Snowplowing in Kelowa BC

Our snow removal team can handle your commercial contruction projects with attention to detail for up to 6 owners or tenants or their subcontractors. We are not the only team in the City of Kelowa BC, but we are blessed to have the most experience of any team in the City of Kelowa BC.

This commercial Snow Removal to Kelowa, British Columbia will take you across the Gulf Coast to Abaco Island, British Columbia . Take a look at the entire trip with photos.

Our Success Stories

Kelowa BC School Library – Kelowa BC British Columbia – Back in 2008 we had a problem in our school library where the paper like debris (known as ‘clump poop’) was falling on the floor, distracting our students’ attention. If it were snowing during the winter this garbage would be revealed and potentially dangerous to kids. So, we moved with a shovel to clean the entire library, making sure the entire library floor was safe for the next academic period. Thanks to our new summer snow removal program we were able to get our library back in safe working order for all to use.

  • Kelowa BC British Columbia – We had the same problem in our Sun City Bed & Breakfast. The infamous ‘clump poop’ only stayed in one tiny one named room, but we had to get rid of it completely. ‘Clump poop’, yes. The needles and trash that were all over the dining room floor and chairs. Our team cleaned all of this and then we replaced all of the guest rooms with brighter kitchens.
  • Kelowa BC British Columbia – We went a little over a year ago  Fresh Levies river projects in Kelowa BC. We had had a service issue with our debris removal crew and we needed help. We made it up to the dam with the assistance of our snow removal crew, using buckets, sledgehammers, and enormous wrenches in order to dislodge the nail-size unsightly debris that was clogging the sediment and water intakes. Now that Kinder Morgan has started real development on their Alberta terminal, our debris removal may be a little more difficult and being “the local” we’re already looking to bring on some more creative and more effective snow removal companies.
  • Kelowa BC British Columbia – We we had this issue three years ago on Our team used snow blowers, buzz saws, cleaning wrenches, pliers, shovels, tire irons and oars to remove the other than half of three inch cedar stumps that clogged the grates. The stumps also choked the drains, but the city makes sure the drains are clear of rocks and debris. Place the debris in hauling bags before winter and we continue to have excellent maintenance available. We then filled out a snow truck permit for the station and spray pad.
  • Kelowa BC British Columbia – We have had issues with our garbage pickup truck several times in the last couple of years. Truck would towing behind trailer load of dirt, snow, ice, debris and some yard waste but we managed to get that truck out before that winter was upon us. And we never saw that truck go back after that truckload. Cargo or no cargo.
    (​Kelowa BC Business Association)

(​Our huge Station Autos, 23 Canon DSLR Cameras, Hard Drive)

We love to travel when doing real work in British Columbia! Whether we’re backpacking, kayaking, biking, fishing and sledding and sleeping in the backcountry or hiking for two weeks in the bush when the reindeer are in the area. It’s a must for us not only enjoy British Columbia in our everyday life but also reap its benefits!